Legacy Society
help keep the flame alive
Morven stands on the shoulders of some remarkable people.
Where most historic homes celebrate one famous resident, Morven has the extraordinary pedigree to have been home to a signer of the Declaration of Independence, one of the first American published female poets, two senators, a congressman, a Commodore of the Pacific Fleet, a healthcare corporate titan, and five New Jersey governors. From our nation’s founding through the early 1980s, there is not a significant era in American history during which a Morven resident did not have a role shaping the national conversation.
Image credit: Helen Hamilton Stockton (the original Keeper of the Flame) and her dog, Viking, 1908. Courtesy of the Stockton Family Historical Trust.
Since becoming Morven Museum & Garden in 2004, others have ensured our success through remarkable generosity in supporting the restoration of historic buildings and gardens, the construction of the Stockton Education Center, and establishing a small endowment.
While we are indebted to our earliest supporters, there is still much work to be done. We invite you to help keep the flame alive by joining our prestigious group who have helped fuel and protect this beloved institution. Preserving this National Historic Landmark in perpetuity is no small undertaking and requires constant and significant investments in repairs and maintenance.
Our Belief is that history is an anchor to the past and a beacon to the future. Preserving and examining the past is vital for educating good citizens who will build a greater society.
Our Vision is that one day all citizens will know and understand America’s history and pursue civic duty actively and responsibly.
Our Mission is to preserve and celebrate Morven’s legacy by sharing its authentic stories. Our mission is two-fold: to share the uniquely American story through the lens of the property, as well as to celebrate our legacy as New Jersey’s first Governor’s Mansion through special exhibitions and programs that present and educate visitors about New Jersey’s cultural heritage.
These endeavors are of no small cost.
Through your estate or planned gift, you can ensure a dynamic future for Morven Museum & Garden and a continuation of our efforts to share New Jersey history with visitors.
Be a beacon to the future and ensure Morven’s vibrancy for generations to come.
Making a planned gift can be as simple as including a sentence in your estate plan or will:
“I give (intended gift) to Historic Morven, Inc. dba Morven Museum & Garden, a non-profit museum operating in Princeton, New Jersey for (endowment, general operating support, or a specific purpose).”
To ensure a directed gift is utilized as you wish, please let us know of your intentions and together we will create a gift agreement.
Impactful ways you can support Morven Museum & Garden:
As a beneficiary in your will, estate plans, or life insurance
Use your IRA to fund a life-income gift
Contribute appreciated securities or other appreciated property
Create a charitable gift annuity
Designate a gift in tribute of a loved one or special influence in your life.
Ways you can Give
Bequests – You designate Morven as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust, or beneficiary designation form.
IRA Charitable Rollover – Gifts directly from your IRA can support Morven, and may have significant tax benefits depending on current legislation.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust and Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust – You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder unitrust or annuity trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a term of years.
Charitable Lead Trust – You fund a trust that makes gifts to us for a number of years. Your family receives the trust remainder at substantial tax savings.
What you can give
Gifts of Stock and Bonds
Retirement Assets (IRA, 401k, 403b, pension, or other tax deferred plan)
Life Insurance Policies
Specific property
Ways You Can Define the Amount of Your Bequest
A gift of a particular amount of money (e.g., $250,000).
A gift of a specific item or items (e.g., 1,000 shares of ABC Corporation).
A gift to be made from the remainder of your estate once all other bequests, debts, and taxes have been paid (e.g., you give 10% of the rest, residue, and remainder of your estate). Often called a “residuary bequest,” this approach assures that your family and debts will be taken care of before your estate makes a bequest to Historic Morven, Inc.
To name Morven as a beneficiary, please designate your gift to: Historic Morven, Inc. dba Morven Museum & Garden (Tax ID # 22-2817982)
The Next Step
Notifying us of your intended gift will allow Morven to honor your wishes and help ensure your contribution makes the biggest impact possible. Kindly share your wishes by filling out the form linked below and return to Megan Shackney, Chief Development Officer at mshackney@morven.org or call 609.924.8144 ext. 101. Please consult your tax and financial advisor. Historic Morven, Inc. does not provide legal, tax or investment advice.
Marti Evans and William Laskowski
Lucy Anne Sharp Newman
Daphne A. Townsend