Morven Museum & Garden

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Morven Ink Card

Morven Ink Card

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Morven Magnet

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Silver Morven Ornament

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‘Cherub’ Birdbath or Feeder

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Gerard Rutgers Hardenbergh: Artist and Ornothologist

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Uprooted: A Gardener Reflects on Beginning Again

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Princeton, 1783: The Nation's Capital

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A Cradle of our National Pastime: New Jersey Baseball

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Portrait of Place: Paintings, Drawing, and Prints of New Jersey, 1761-1898

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Only for the Eye of a Friend: The Poems of Annis Boudinot Stockton

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Newark and the Culture of Art: 1900-1960

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Jersey Shore Impressionists, 1880-1940

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Morven: Memory, Myth and Reality

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Hail Specimen of Female Art! New Jersey Schoolgirl Needlework, 1726-1860


Women in the American Revolution, Gender, Politics, and the Domestic World

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Utopia, New Jersey: Travels in the Nearest Eden

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75 Remarkable Fruits for your Garden


Morven 'Ornament' Needlework Kit

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Morven Mug

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The Idea Factory

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Striking Beauty: New Jersey Tall Case Clocks 1730-1830

Serving Herself: The Life and Times of Althea Gibson

Serving Herself: The Life and Times of Althea Gibson

Happy Dreams of Liberty: An American Family in Slavery and Freedom

Happy Dreams of Liberty: An American Family in Slavery and Freedom

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Images of America: Morven
