Morven Museum & Garden


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Morven’s Horticultural staff is actively monitoring our available stock. If a particular variety is unavailable at the moment, feel free to check back in a few days to see if it’s been replenished.

Strobilanthes Persian Shield — Strobilanthes dyerianus

Strobilanthes Persian Shield — Strobilanthes dyerianus


Product SKU: A131-25
Pot Size: 1 quart
Growth Height: 24-36"
Growth Spread: 24-36"
Sun/Shade: Partial Sun to Partial Shade

Almost iridescent, Persian Sheild’s foliage is spectacular! Each finely toothed leaf is dark bronze-green overlaid with purplish pink and frosted silver. The effect in a mature plant is that of an iridescent tapestry, against and through which other silvery-leaved plants and trailing flowers such as supertunias are stunning. Strobilanthes will grow in full sun, but seems happiest here when it receives some afternoon shade. Water regularly, and pinch back to keep compact if desired.

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Woodland tobacco - Nicotiana — Nicotiana sylvestris

Woodland tobacco - Nicotiana — Nicotiana sylvestris

Ageratum, tall — Ageratum houstonianum

Ageratum, tall — Ageratum houstonianum

Mexican Sunflower ‘Torch‘ — Tithonia diversifolia

Mexican Sunflower ‘Torch‘ — Tithonia diversifolia


Summer Snapdragon ‘Angelface Blue‘ — Angelonia angustifolia

Butterfly Golden Marguerites — Argyranthemum frutescens

Butterfly Golden Marguerites — Argyranthemum frutescens
