Morven Museum & Garden


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Morven’s Horticultural staff is actively monitoring our available stock. If a particular variety is unavailable at the moment, feel free to check back in a few days to see if it’s been replenished.

Basil, Everleaf Genovese — Ocimum basilicum

Basil, Everleaf Genovese — Ocimum basilicum


Product SKU: E168-25
Pot Size: 3D - pint
Growth Height: 18-24"
Growth Spread: 1-11"
Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Everleaf basil has a neat columnar structure, with tightly growing upright stems, so is perfect for containers and raised bed gardening. It packs the same robust flavor as traditional genovese basil, but without the untidy appearance. Productive and slow to bolt, it rarely needs deadheading and is the perfect choice for pesto. It was bred for intermediate resistance to downy mildew and standard resistance to Fusarium. Sun.

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Basil, Genovese — Ocimum basilicum


Cilantro — Coriandrum sativum


Parsley, Italian Flat ORGANIC — Petroselinum crispum


Dill, Fernleaf — Anethum graveolens

Parsley, Triple Curled — Petroselinum crispum

Parsley, Triple Curled — Petroselinum crispum
