Morven Museum & Garden


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Morven’s Horticultural staff is actively monitoring our available stock. If a particular variety is unavailable at the moment, feel free to check back in a few days to see if it’s been replenished.

Mayapple — Podophyllum peltatum

Mayapple — Podophyllum peltatum


Product SKU: P257-25
Pot Size: 1 gal
Growth Height: 12-18"
Growth Spread: 12"
Sun/Shade: Partial Shade to Full Shade

This native ground cover spreads to carpet the floor of mixed deciduous forests from eastern Canada to Florida and is common throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Like its Latin epithet, its single leaves are umbrella-like, and in mid-spring, its paired leaves may hide showy but sparse white flowers. Fully-ripened fruit are used for preserves and jellies, but the rest of the plant (including unripe fruit) is toxic. Box turtles adore these fruits, and their digestive system enzymes help to propagate the seeds.

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Smallhead Blazing Star — Liatris microcephala


Artisan™ Soft Orange Coneflower — Echinacea x hybrida ‘Artisan™ Soft Orange‘

Artisan™ Yellow Ombre Coneflower — Echinacea x hybrida ‘Artisan™ Yellow Ombre‘

Artisan™ Yellow Ombre Coneflower — Echinacea x hybrida ‘Artisan™ Yellow Ombre‘


Arizona Apricot Blanket Flower — Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Apricot‘

Primo® Wild Rose Coral Bells — Heuchera Primo® ‘Wild Rose‘

Primo® Wild Rose Coral Bells — Heuchera Primo® ‘Wild Rose‘
