Morven Museum & Garden


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Morven’s Horticultural staff is actively monitoring our available stock. If a particular variety is unavailable at the moment, feel free to check back in a few days to see if it’s been replenished.

Lemon Verbena ORGANIC — Lippia citriodora

Lemon Verbena ORGANIC — Lippia citriodora


Product SKU: E165-25
Pot Size: 1 quart
Growth Height: 36"
Growth Spread: 1-23"
Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Lance-shaped leaves are lemony delights, added to water or tea -- or even cocktails, they add a zest but never bitterness. This tender perennial may winter over with shelter, to reward you next year, too! Give your backyard or patio a mediterranean flair with this easy-to-grow heat lover. Sun.

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Basil, Genovese — Ocimum basilicum


Cilantro — Coriandrum sativum


Basil, Everleaf Genovese — Ocimum basilicum


Parsley, Italian Flat ORGANIC — Petroselinum crispum


Dill, Fernleaf — Anethum graveolens
